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關懷老人健康與照顧 Aging health & care

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1.老而彌堅:記憶動作俱佳 Aging Well : Memory and Movement
 Excellent insights o­n how to counter memory loss from Dharma Singh Kalsa , M.D. You’ll see some of the specific techniques he uses and hear from his patients about how the program has worked for them .Dr. Andrew Weil cover the steps each of us can take to remain active , healthy and engaged with life as we get older . Also learn about how Tai Chi can help maintain flexibility and balance for elders , Great resource for Area Agencies o­n Aging . 當人們開始老化時,大腦衰退,記憶力逐漸喪失,嚴重者會罹患失憶症或阿茲海默症,本節目介紹卡沙醫師正在推行的一項特殊的計劃,如何訓練大腦保持記憶力,可以延緩老化失憶情形的發生,而醫學界證實,老年人最適合的運動就是太極拳,它不但讓人恢復彈性,而且讓老人保持平衡避免摔跤
 2.深愛的陌生人 Beloved Strangers : Caring for a loved o­ne with Alzheimer’s Disease
Four million people in America now suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease , and with the aging of the Boomers , the prevalence of Alzheimer’s is expected to double within the next decade . Caring for an Alzheimer’s patient is o­ne of the most difficult of all caregiving rules . This video profiles three stories among them , a young physician and newly-weds in Staten Island and a sandwich-generation family in Arizona . 大約有四百萬美國人罹患了阿茲海默症,嬰兒潮世代也已邁入老化,估計未來的十年內,阿茲海默症的患者將會倍增,如何照顧阿茲海默症患者將是照護者最困難的問題;本節目帶領觀眾深入三個家庭《醫生、新婚夫妻和祖孫三代》去瞭解家有阿茲海默症患者,而家人是照護者時將會發生那些問題
 3.老年憂鬱症 Late Life Depression : Depression in the Elderly
 The late years can be a time of loss – a loss of companionship , of health , independence and for some , a loss of hope . As many as o­ne in five older Americans suffer from symptoms of major depression , which can sometimes lead to suicide . In this program , three elderly people tell stories of how they have coped with their major depression , offering their experience and advice. 當人們老年的時候,他們失去了伴侶、朋友、健康、獨立性甚至希望 . 據估計,每五個美國老人就有一個人罹患了憂鬱症,嚴重的甚至會自殺 . 本節目中有三位老人親身敘說他們如何處理憂鬱症的痛苦經驗以及他們的建議---拋棄成見 , 尋求協助 .
4.當父母需要你的時候When Your Parent Needs You : Caring for an Aging Parent
 An all-encompassing experience that affects every aspect of our lives , When Your Parent Needs You focuses o­n the positive aspects of caregiving and o­n what caregivers can obtain from their experience . Help viewers recognize and deal with the stress and life changes of caregiving . Featuring Beth Wirrogen McLeod , Pulitzer-nominated author and speaker and Avrene L. Brandt , Ph.D.. Clinical Psychologist . 當父母老的時候,他們需要子女的照護,這時候子女的生活完全受到嚴重的影響,本節目就是針對這個問題拍攝的,它給觀眾一個正面的觀念與思考,當子女在家中照護年邁甚至失能的父母時,將會對經濟、體力和精神產生很大的壓力,如何處理請看本節目 .
5.健康的退休生活Retired & Well Being : Realistic Planning and Advice
Retirement has become o­ne of the most important events of our lives and like any other major life change can be viewed as either negative or positive .It requires not o­nly financial planning but also realistically envisioning the rest of life . This successful aging program provides important information and practice advice o­n retirement , as a variety of retirees share their hopes , dreams and real life experiences regarding retirement . 退休已經變成現代人生活中最重要的一件事,它是生活的重大變化,是正面或負面的影響則因人而異,對未來它不只是財務規劃也必需要有正確的退休生活觀,本節目提供觀眾一個成功的退休生活所需具備的重要信息和建議,並與退休者分享希望和夢想 .
 6.讓家裡更適合老人居住Adapting Homes to Successful Age in Place : Important Information to Know at Home
Since most older persons wish to remain in their own home it is important to know how to adapt the home environment so successfully age in place . This program provides important information and practical advice o­n adapting homes to successfully age in place including tips o­n lifetime home design and adaptation , as well as o­n camera demonstration of these design elements . 大多數的老年人都希望能夠住在自己的家裡,所以如何把住家內外的環境稍做修改,讓它更能符合老人生活的需求和安全是非常重要的事,專家和醫師告知你們一些實際的建議和訊息,讓老人和照護者更方便也更安全.
 7.居家照護者的十項基本要領 10 Essential Tools of Caregivin : Helping Family Caregivers to Cope
 This video is designed to provide family caregivers tools they can use to improve caregiving skills . Dr, Donna Benton , USC Professor of Gerontology and Director of Los Angeles Caregiver Resource Center narrates this video as she highlights just ten of dozens of services caregivers can access through the Area Agency o­n Aging’s auspices . 本節目提供居家照護者十項必需知道的常識,用以改善他們的照護技巧,專家和醫師們給觀眾很重要的建議,讓照護者能正確地運用照護老年病患或失能老人,不但保護照護者本身的安全,也讓被照護的人感覺比較舒適 .
8.給居家照護者的忠告Caregiving : Importance Information & Advice for Caregivers
 This program is designed in response to the educational needs of older adults , their families , caregivers and a rapidly aging society . This national award winning program is an excellent resource toad to or to start building a collection o­n aging issues and concerns . Excellent for senior centers , churches , as well as colleges and universities 本節目針對日益嚴重的老年化社會,如老年人、他們的家庭和照護者的需求和反應而製作,本節目榮獲美國教育節目金獎,對於整體社會老化議題和關切是非常有用的資源,尤其是老人院、老人中心、教會、學校和醫院…..
9.保護照護者:被攻擊時的非暴力反應 Protecting the Caregiver : Non-Violent Response to Physical Assaults
Caregiving is a deeply rewarding experience however , there can be rare occurrences where a disoriented or startle person can be aggressive . This video demonstrates simple defensive skills that can prevent or minimize harm to both caregiver and the confronted person . Learn defensive moves to protect against particular assaults – biting , choking , hair pulling , kicking , Excellent video for professionals to use for training and workshops . 照顧老人或失能老人的照護者,偶爾會遭到吐口水、責罵、抓頭髮、踢打…本節目邀請許多專業的照護者和醫師,要把他們的知識和經驗與你分享,讓你學習許多很實用的知識與方法,避免照護者和被照護者受到無謂的攻擊和傷害 .
10.醫療院義工如何避免病患的暴力攻擊行為 Managing Aggressive Behavior for Volunteers :Helping Volunteers to understand Patient Needs
 Patients expressing aggressive behavior can be a challenge , Showing volunteers how to recognize aggression , signs of violence and dangerous situations is vital . Role playing is used to help train and provide insights 有時候,老年病患會表現出攻擊性的行為,本節目教導”義工們”如何辨識這種行為,什麼是暴力的前兆和什麼是危險的情況,提供給義工們一些正確的訓練和洞察力 .
11.老人醫學照顧:寵物治療法 Geriatric Care : Healing With Animals
 Learn how animals help to ease the transition of living in geriatric care , improve social interactions and reduce stress , Being with animals allows patients to relax and even increase their memory retention . Excellent for nurses , certified nurse assistants and nursing home staff . 在國外,有許多醫院和老人照顧機構正在研究寵物能夠很輕易的就進入老人的生活,改善他們與外界的互動並且減低精神壓力,寵物或小動物能讓病人放鬆甚至增加他們的記憶力,所以寵物是護理人員和照護者的最佳幫手 .

