Nature Vs. Nurture: Does IQ Matter?兒童智商能培養嗎?
You’ve heard the age-old debate of nature versus nurture: can parents make their children smarter or is it simply determined by genetics? According to pediatricians, you can heighten the intelligence level of your kids and we’ll tell you how.
帶您瞭解餵寶寶吃有機食品 , 贊成與反對的意見 , 父母能讓兒童更聰明嗎?答案是肯定的 , 我們會教您怎麼做 , 接著看看先進的藥物如何幫助罹患呼吸道疾病的兒童輕鬆呼吸 , 最後 , 教您如何幫助孩子在學校吃得健康 .