Find out some of the best ways to overcome shyness. Learn about detecting developmental disabilities, and see how parents with children who have Spina Bifida and other special needs are helping them reach their potential. Look at ways parents and teachers are breaking down stereotypes and tackling prejudice and bullying at home and in the classroom. Finally, bath techniques for safer sudsing.
您的小孩在社交場合表現得如何?我們會教您克服害羞的最佳方法 . '脊柱裂'是什麼 ? 帶您認識有特殊需求的兒童 , 您的小孩被欺侮了嗎?只因為他的生理或心理有障礙 ? 父母與同學要學習如何處理偏見的問題 ,