Take a look at why babies are so susceptible to ear infections, what can be done about them, and if child care plays a role in passing along some of the more severe infections. Also see what preventive steps parents can take, and learn about treatments for resistant infections that simply will not go away.
提醒父母親要注重嬰兒和兒童的耳朵很容易受到感染,父母能做些什麼呢?三分之二的兒童在一歲生日前 , 耳朵都被感染過 . 兒童透過視覺與聽覺學習萬一這些感覺受損怎麼辦?我們會教您一種兒童都該接受的檢測方法 , 以免因為疏忽耳朵發炎造成日後的遺憾 .