Are all vaccines good, safe or necessary for all children? Hear which the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends for all children, and which should only be given to those with serious underlying conditions. Also, learn about the controversy over the protection a vaccine offers and its potential for danger to a young immune system.
疫苗接種是兒童的權利 , 保護兒童避開疾病 , 但紀錄顯示,並非所有的兒童都受到同等的保護 , 由於疫苗的研發 , 20世紀初 , 有成千上萬的人罹患百日咳、破傷風 , 死於白喉,小兒麻痺症 . 這些疾病現在都有疫苗可以預防了 .