Sounds Of Silence 嬰兒聽力受損與篩檢
A simple, ten-minute test can detect hearing loss in a newborn, but such screening is not yet the law in all 50 states. For those infants who head home from the hospital without a hearing test, results can be difficult for a child’s development.
如何陪孩子做功課 ? 認識新生兒的聽力篩檢 , 如何篩檢?為什麼重要?篩檢沒過怎麼辦?被診斷出聽力受損的兒童 , 會很難跟上同儕的學習進度 , 要倚賴助聽器嗎 ? 最後是職業婦女與餵母乳 , 看看媽媽們要如何兼顧 .