Thumbs Up To Thumb sucking 兒童為什麼吸吮姆指?
There’s nothing quite as cute as a little baby sucking her thumb. But when that baby grows into a toddler, many parents don’t think thumb sucking is cute at all. Is taking comfort in a thumb really that bad? Hear what the experts have to say about kicking the habit.
您的小孩吸吮姆指 , 您應該擔心嗎?對嬰兒來說 , 吸吮是比呼吸更自然的事 它主要是進食的反射動作 , 還有鎮定與安撫作用 , 但是當鎮定的習慣變成吸吮姆指時 , 有些父母就會擔心 , 他們應該這樣做嗎?聽聽專家怎麼說 .