|aDisc 1, 1.救助者小常識 = Help for the helpers ; 2.如何處置傷患 = Handling the injured ; 3.開放性傷口的處置 = Wounds slight and savage ; 4.出血的處置 = Vital blood|aDisc 2, 5.骨折的處理 = Broken bones ; 6.小心照料脆弱的脊椎 = The spine is fragile! Handle with care; 7.健行的危險處置 = Even walking can be hazardous ; 8.昏迷的處置 = Loss of consciousness|aDisc 3, 9.呼吸困難的處置 = When breathing is suddenly a problem ; 10.眼睛受傷的處理 = Don't rub, bathe with plenty of water ; 11.昆蟲螫傷叮咬的處置 = Remedies for bites and stings ; 12.腐蝕性物質傷害的處置 = Cautioin, corrosive substance!|aDisc 4, 13.燒燙傷的處置 = Heat can hurt ; 14.看不見的氣體殺手 = The unseen killer ; 15.中毒的急救措施 = Caution:poison; 16.觸電的危險與處置 = Electric shocks|aDisc 5, 17.交通事故的處理 = The car won ; 18.交通工具弱著意外處置 = The traffic weakling ; 19.溺水的救援 = The sea is not planked over ; 20.缺乏急救工具時的處置 = In the absence of bandages and splints