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|av.1 Asthma (Jeffery M. Drazen, MD), Recogniton and Management of Common (Rheumatologic Syndromes - Jonathan S. Coblyn, MD; Cardiology Update - Dale S. Adler, MD)|av.2 Rheumatology Update - Jonathan S. Coblyn, MD, CAD: Statins or Stents ? (Dale S. Adler, MD), Chronic Kidney Disease : An Update (Ajay K. Singh, MD)|av.3 Morning Report: Greatest Hits (Maria A. Yialamas, MD & Marshall A. Wolf, MD)Acute Coronary Syndrome Pathophysiology and Management (2009 Update) - - James M. Kirshenbaum, MD。Current Issues in Women's Health (Maria A. Yialamas, MD)|av.4 Critcal Care Update (Patricia A. Kritek, MD) Arrhyhmias - Diagnosis and Management (Marshall A. Wolf, MD) Cases in Critical Care Medicine (Patricia A. Kritek, MD)|av.5 Lymphomas and Leukemias: An Update (Edwin P. Alyea, MD), Hypercalcemia (Carolyn B. Becker, MD), Update in Endocrinology (Carolyn B. Becker, MD)|av.6 The Neurological Exam (Martin A. Samuels, MD) Chronic Liver Disease (Chinweike Ukomadu, MD, PhD), Pulmonary Update (Christopher H. Fanta, MD)|av.7 Gl Update (Robert Burakoff, MD), Cancer 2009 (Edwin P Alyea, MD), Internal Medicine Update (Stuart B. Mushlin, MD)|av.8 HIV: An Update (Paul E. Sax, MD), Cases in Internal Medicine (Stuart B. Mushlin, MD), Case Studies in Internal Medicine (Daniel M. Goodenberger, MD)|av.9 Common Curbside Consults in Infectious Diseases (Paul E. Sax, MD), Hepatitis: What's New (Chinweike Ukomadu, MD, PhD)