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|av.1 Digital Mammography: Update(Mark A. Helvie,MD), Panel Discussion: Digital Imaging: Where Are We Now? Where Should We Be? Axillary Lymph Node Staging by Breast Imaging(Mark A. Helvie, MD)|av.2 Challenging MRI Cases Christopher Comstock, MD, Breat Cancer Management: The Radiologist's Role Christopher Comstock, MD|av.3 Positron Emission Mammography and BSGI (Maria V. Velasquez, MD), Digital Tomosynthesis: The West Coast(Christopher Comstock, MD), Lumps and Bumps in the Male Breast (Farhad Contractor, MD)|av.4 Breast Calcifications (Christopher Comstock, MD), Breast Intervention in My Practice (Maria Velasquez, MD), The High Risk Patient: What Does This Mean ?(D.Lawrence Wickerham, MD)|av.5 Breast MRI: How To Get It Started At Your Facility (Christopher Comstock, MD)Basic Breast MRI (Steven E. Harms, MD)|av.6 CAD for Breast MRI (Christopher Comstock, MD)The Surgeon's Perspective of Breast MRI (Thomas B. Julian, MD)|av.7 Milestone Lecture: History of MRI (Steven E.Harms, MD), Panel Discussion: Breast MRI|av.8 Technical Challenges for MRI (Steven E.Harms, MD), MRI Case Review (Christopher Comstock, MD), An Update on Coding and Billing Breast Procedures (William R.Poller, MD)|av.9 MRI Biopsy Techniques -(Terri-Ann Gizienski, MD;Steven E. Harms, MD: Christopher Comstock, MD), DCIS: Can MRI Help? (Steven E. Harms, MD)|av.10 Challenging Cases (Steven E. Harms, MD; Terri-Ann Gizienski, MD)