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聽天使在唱歌 Listen angels singing

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大天使與小天使之間的互相扶持 最終獲得比賽的榮耀~ 繼同班同學之後 再一部深入融合教育的感人紀錄片 故事發生一個有著二分之一學生為特殊生的國中二年級班級,大家稱班上的普通生是大天使,特殊生是小天使。去年這個班合唱比賽拿了最後一名,今年大家卯足了勁練習希望能有好成績,伴奏仍是由患有脊柱裂及水腦的特殊生擔任,雖然去年她的表現並不好。指揮則是由另一位閱讀障礙看不懂五線譜的特殊生擔任。經過努力,這個班今年終於拿到合唱比賽最佳創意獎及第三名。透過合唱比賽,這個班展現出普通及特殊生之間的真誠互動及互相扶持,也讓他們他們得到自信。 創作理念: 這部紀錄片是以國中融合班合唱比賽為題。這是一個很特別的國中班級,因為這個班級有二分之一的學生是身心障礙生。 他們進入國中的第一年幾乎所有競賽包括合唱比賽都是最後一名,但是到了國二每個學生都有很大的進步。在融合校區,每年都有一次的合唱比賽,這個班大多數學生都不會唱歌,因此合唱比賽對他們來講是一個很大的挑戰. 他們不認為小天使(特殊生)的存在會影響他們合唱比賽的成績,因此合唱的指揮及伴奏都由特殊生擔任, 從這樣的合唱比賽中可以看到一般學生對特殊學生真心的接納與扶持,也希望觀者瞭解,只要給予機會人不但可以和不一樣的人相處及合作,還能 s達到成功。 The story occurs in a 8th grade inclusive class with one half of students with disabilities. Everyone in the school called normal students and students with special needs big angels and small angels respectively. The class of 8th grade got the last place in the last year’s chorus competition. So this year they hope to have better performance. An exceptional student with spina bifida and waterhead served as the accompaniment. Even her performance was not good in the last year chorus competition. Another student with reading disabilities cannot read music staff was selected to be the conductor. Under their efforts, they got the prize of the best creative and the third place. Through this chorus competition, their truly interaction and mutual support between normal and handicapped students are found. They also gain the self-confidence. The concept of production: The main theme of the documentary film is the process of chorus competition in a junior-high school inclusive class. The class is very special because one half of students in the class are excertional. They got the last place in almost every competition when they were in 7th grade. When they enter 8th grade, every student improved a lot. Each year there is one chorus competition in the inclusive school. For them, a chorus competition would be a very big challenge. Most of them should not be able to sing. They don’t think the existence of little angels will affect their performance of the chorus competition. Therefore, they selected their exceptional peers to be the accompaniment and conductor. From the chorus competition you can see normal children’s true acceptance of and assistance to handicapped children. The film hope to make the viewer understand that one can get alone and cooperate with different others if he/she has such opportunity and achieve success..

