入圍NewYork International Independent Film Festival 入圍2010 Festival De Cine De Granada 入圍2010台灣國際女性影展 一段彌足珍貴的同班情誼 讓我們看到一般孩子對特殊孩子的接納與扶持 以四個從幼稚園到國小都同班的同班同學為主角,他們從幼稚園就開始就讀一個班上有著三分之一學生為身心障礙生的融合班,影片跨越時空十九年,描述這些主角(三女一男)從幼稚園至今二十二歲的成長,四名主角中兩名普通生在大學就讀,兩名特殊生高中特殊班畢業後都在職場工作,其間透過融合班創辦人描述二十年創辦融合教育的心路歷程、融合班場地的變遷並穿插融合班創辦人、主角家人、教師及四個主角的訪談,從他們的角度談及融合班帶給他們的影響,由他們來詮釋什麼是融合教育。 創作理念 在台灣大多數父母重視學業,很難想像居然有父母願意將家中智能正常甚至資優的孩子送到一個有著三分之的學生是身心障礙生的融合班級就讀,不只幼稚園、國小六年、甚至到國中都願意讓自己的孩子和特殊生同在一個班級學習。看到一般孩子對特殊孩子真心的接納與扶持無不深受感動,對就讀融合班的同班同學而言,這段同班情誼更彌足可貴,為了見證這段人性的光明面及推行融合教育的歷程,而有拍這部紀錄片的動機,希望能讓觀者瞭解只要給予機會人是可以和不一樣的人相處。 This film features 4 friends who were classmate of inclusive preschool and elementary school, one third of students of which were physically or mentally handicapped. The time span of the film is 19 years, describing those 4 friend’s growing since preschool. 2 of them, the normal students, are studying in university, while the other 2, the handicapped students, have been working since their graduation from high school special education class. This film also includes the 20-year progress of inclusive class’s founder, transition of inclusive campus, and interview of the founder, the 4 friends and their families.. The most valuable part is their remembrance of inclusive years after their grownup, and their interpretation of inclusive education form their viewpoint and the influence they received from inclusive class. The concept of production At Taiwan, where most parents emphasize on children’s learning score, it is very difficult to imagine that, some parents are willing to send their normal or even excellent children to an inclusive class, one third of which are mentally or physically handicapped. They are willing to have their children learning at inclusive class from preschool to junior high. It is very touching seeing normal children’s true acceptance of and assistance to handicapped children. For classmates of inclusive class, this friendship is invaluable. The motive of filming this documentary is to witness the bright side of human nature and the process of popularizing inclusive education. We hope to make the viewer to understand that one can get alone with different others if he/she has such opportunity.