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地球環境生態警訊 SOS Earth calling

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我們都知道地球的狀態是變動不居的。不斷變動的部分因素係來自於人類行為,而人類行為對整體環境、動植物之多樣性以及人類本身都造成了威脅。溫室氣體以及土壤退化導致全球暖化越來越嚴重,更促使一連串自我加速且極具毀滅性的氣候現象逐一產生,可想而知天災也就更為頻繁了。全球越來越多的肥沃耕地正在流失,有些人主張基因改造生物有助於解決這些問題,但讓這些非自然生物進到自然環境之後會有什麼樣的後果,誰也不會知曉。地球拉警報啦!許多人都聽見求救聲,也了解地球不僅是一顆星球,更是人類生存的必備要素。雖然世人不會在一夕間,馬上重新思考如何回應全球暖化這個問題,不過各地方的計畫或多或少燃起人類的希望,減輕盲目剝削地球資源的嚴重後果。  The Earth as we know it is in a state of flux. Causes of this transformation stem from human behavior; the consequences pose a threat to the environment as a whole, to the diversity of plant and animal life, and ultimately, to humankind itself. Global warming, a process advanced by pollution and land degradation, is setting a destructive, self - accelerating chain of climatic events in motion – resulting in more frequent natural disasters. More and more fertile farmland is being lost the world over. Some argue that genetically manipulated organisms can help solve the problems, but the consequences of releasing such organisms into the environment are not known. SOS – Earth Calling! Many people are hearing this cry for help and realizing that Earth is not simply a planet, but the basis for our existence. The world won’t rethink its response to global warming overnight. But local projects give rise to the hope that at least some of the consequences of our blind exploitation of the Earth can be mitigated.

