Heart Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Exercise and Pregnancy
Heart disease is the number one cause of health related death for women. We’ll meet two South Florida women who were at… 更多 » high risk for heart disease. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, until recently thought to exist only in the mind of the sufferer, affects the lives of approximately 20 million people of which 70% are women. Also, how a woman manages the changes during pregnancy may make the experience more physically comfortable .
心臟病是女性的頭號死因。我們要看佛羅里達南部的兩位心臟病高危險群的婦女。腸燥症在不久之前,還被認為是患者想像的疾病,但目前有大約兩千萬人的生活受到腸燥症的影響,而其中有70%是婦女。另外,婦女如何處理懷孕期間的生理變化,讓身體在懷孕期間更舒服一點。 « 更少