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The symphonies of Beethoven

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v.1: lecture 1. Beethoven and the heroic style, pt. I -- lecture 2. Beethoven and the heroic style, pt. II -- lecture 3. Beethoven and the heroic style, pt. III -- lecture 4. Beethoven and the heroic style, pt. IV -- lecture 5. Symphony No. 1, Beethoven as classicist--tradition and innovation, pt. I -- lecture 6. Symphony No. 1, Beethoven as classicist--tradition and innovation, pt. II -- lecture 7. Symphony No. 2, Beethoven at the edge, pt. I -- lecture 8. Symphony No. 2, Beethoven at the edge, pt. II.
v.2: lecture 9. Symphony No. 3, the 'new path'--heroism and self-expression, pt. I -- lecture 10. Symphony No. 3, the 'new path'--heroism and self-expression, pt. II -- lecture 11. Symphony No. 3, the 'new path'--heroism and self-expression, pt. III -- lecture 12. Symphony No. 3, the 'new path'--heroism and self-expression, pt. IV -- lecture 13. Symphony No. 4, consolidation of the new aesthetic, pt. I -- lecture 14. Symphony No. 4, consolidation of the new aesthetic, pt. II -- lecture 15. Symphony No. 4, consolidation of the new aesthetic, pt. III -- lecture 16. Symphony No. 4, consolidation of the new aesthetic, pt. IV.
v.3: lecture 17. Symphony No. 5, the expressive idea fully formed, pt. I -- lecture 18. Symphony No. 5, the expressive idea fully formed, pt. II -- lecture 19. Symphony No. 5, the expressive idea fully formed, pt. III -- lecture 20. Symphony No. 6, the symphony as program, pt. I -- lecture 21. Symphony No. 6, the symphony as program, pt. II -- lecture 22. Symphony No. 6, the symphony as program, pt. III -- lecture 23. Symphony No. 7, the symphony as dance, pt. I -- lecture 24. Symphony No. 7, the symphony as dance, pt. II.
v.4: lecture 25. Symphony No. 8, homage to classicism, pt. I -- lecture 26. Symphony No. 8, homage to classicism, pt. II -- lecture 27. Symphony No. 8, homage to classicism, pt. III -- lecture 28. Symphony No. 9, the symphony as the world, pt. I -- lecture 29. Symphony No. 9, the symphony as the world, pt. II -- lecture 30. Symphony No. 9, the symphony as the world, pt. III -- lecture 31. Symphony No. 9, the symphony as the world, pt. IV -- lecture 32. Symphony No. 9: the symphony as the world, pt. V.

