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Be prepared to lead 領導技巧 applied leadership skills for business managers

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Be Prepared to Lead

Strengthen your leadership skills as a manager or supervisor.
'...best value in the leadership category. Focuses on issues none of the others touch.' — View Magazine
Different management situations demand different styles of leadership in order to get the job done. And different types of employees respond better to different methods of direction.
This leadership video defines four distinct management approaches, and helps you see which style you tend instinctively to fall back on when the going gets tough. It then describes which employees respond best to the different methods, and explains how you can modify your own natural approach, using the other techniques as needed to achieve better outcomes.
Learn how to:

Recognize your leadership potential.
Build leadership traits.
Earn the trust of your team.
Build vision and communication skills.
Recognize leadership errors.
Develop your own personal leadership style.

