哈德遜河畔的傳說 風景如畫的美國哈德遜河畔流傳?許多有趣的故事。懶惰貪玩的農夫瑞普進山打獵,巧遇山神,喝了他們的酒,沉睡二十年,醒來發現他兇悍的老婆和狐朋狗友都死了,世界發生天翻地覆的變化。膽小又好吃的鄉村?師伊卡博德愛上美麗的女學生,借?學之機向她大獻殷勤,求婚受挫,又被無頭騎士嚇得魂飛魄散,落荒而逃…… “美國文學之父”華盛頓.歐文的經典名作,文筆生動幽默,令人忍俊不禁。
Contents About the Author 9 認識華盛頓.歐文 American Painters and the Catskill Mountains 10 美國畫家與卡特基爾山脈 The Thirteen Original Colonies, 1776 12 1776年最早的13個殖民地 Rip Van Winkle 瑞普.凡.溫克爾 chapter one The Van Winkle Family 15 懶丈夫與惡老婆 chapter two A Strange Afternoon 21 奇遇 chapter three The Next Morning 大夢初醒 27 chapter four The Spirits of the Catskill Mountains 山谷幽靈 32 The American Revolution 41 美國獨立戰爭 UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT 19, 24, 30,38 special features: Cambridge Level One Key 19, 20, 30, English Test-style exercises 38, 39, 40, 41 Project work using the web 43 Exit Test 升級測試 44 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷傳奇 chapter one The Headless Horseman 47 無頭騎兵的傳說 chapter two Ichabod Crane 51 好說閒話的?師 chapter three Katrina Van Tassel 56 對付情敵 New York in the 1800s 62 十九世紀的紐約 chapter four The Invitation 64 獲邀赴宴 Recipe: Crispy Chocolate Cakes 69 美味食譜:巧克力蛋糕 chapter five The Ghosts of Sleepy Hollow 70 黑夜驚魂 chapter six The Night Ride 落荒而逃 77 UNDERSTANDING THE TEXT 50, 54, 59, 67, 75, 81 special features: Cambridge Level One Key English 50, 60, Test-style exercises 67, 81 Project work using the web 63 Exit Test 升級測試 82 Key to the Exercises and Exit Tests 85 練習答案和測試答案 This symbol indicates a listening activity. 聽力練習的標記