潰瘍及食道逆流 Ulcer/GERD
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Ulcer / GERD
More than 50 million people living in the U.S. experience occasional heartburn , but for more than 25 million people , heartburn has become an annoying part of life . If this sounds familiar , your “ heartburn “ may be a symptom of a serious digestive disorder called GERD or Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease . Another digestive disorder identified as peptic ulcer is attributed in many cases to a bacteria found in the stomach called h-pylori bacteria have evolved with humans over the past 5 million years . In this episode , we take an in depth look at GERD / Ulcers and all the options currently available to treat these disorders .
美國有五千多萬人偶爾會胃灼熱,但是對兩千五百多萬人來說,胃灼熱已經成了生活中的惱人部份。如果聽起來耳熟,那麼你的“胃灼熱”可能是叫做 “食道逆流”的嚴重消化不良症。另一種消化性疾病 “胃潰瘍”,有很多是幽門螺旋桿菌引起的,而這種細菌過去五百萬年來就跟人類一起進化。本集將深入了解潰瘍 / 食道逆流以及目前所有的治療方式。